Monday, February 22, 2016



My name is Owen Page and I have just returned to Campion College for a new year and a new start.

I am a year 8 and almost turning 13 years old.

So far I am enjoying talking to my friends again because I haven't seen them in ages. I am enjoying P.E. because I am one of those people who just wants to get out and have a run.

I find a couple of things challenging like finding my way around the massive school. It is hard to find all my classes!

We have a lot of classes here and sometimes it is hard to remember what we have all the time and where the class is. We have athletics days and swimming sports. I obviously enjoy them because I am a fit person and enjoy sports and running. We have already had our swimming sports this year but I am still looking forward to athletics day :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just a regular student at Campion College setting up a blog telling you stuff about me :)
